| Servizio Pubblico 24a puntata - titolo La Politica. In questo video da Francoforte, città sede della Banca centrale Europea, migliaia di persone si sono radunate per protestare contro le politiche della finanza. Tra i tedeschi con in mano la loro costituzione, ci sono tanti italiani arrivati in Germania per denunciare anche la crisi della democrazia
FRANKFURT: 16-19 maggio
This talk by Prof. David Graeber was part of the program of the Blockupy action daya in Frankfurt, May 16th - 19th. The lecture was supposed to happen in the town theater near the European Central Bank, but they got scared and cancelled the talk. This forced the organizers to re-schedule the talk to a later time and different place. The result was a crammed and somewhat sub-optimal setting. I apologize for the lack of stability, I attended spontaneously and didn't think to bring a tripod
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